Age Friendly Cold Lake is a registered charity that is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life, dignity, and independence of all seniors.
After a lifetime of hard work, seniors want to live healthy, safe, and independent lives. Seniors want to stay at home, in the communitites that support them, for as long as possible. They want to increase their sense of belonging and connections to their communities, but this can become difficult as we age.
We believe that Cold Lake is a community that values, respects and actively supports the safety, diversity and well-being of seniors in our community. We provide support tailored to the unique and local needs of seniors in Cold Lake and Wards 5 and 6 of the M.D. of Bonnyville. These services are accessible, affordable, equitable and comprehensive to address a wide range of needs.
We assist with help getting to medical appointments, home visits with trained volunteer Navigators, phone check-ins, grief support, dementia programs and have a nutritious frozen food program.
Age Friendly Cold Lake Society was incorporated in 2019, and since that time we have developed a wide variety of needed programs and have many more in the works.
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